Boo Novel

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Financial Controller Roles, Duties, Skillset, Career Path

As businesses continue to evolve, the role of controllers may expand to encompass new responsibilities related to financial technology, data analysis, and strategic planning. As a controller, you will develop diverse skills essential for effectively managing and overseeing an organization’s…

Форекс обучение

Метод Скользящей Средней: Простое И Эффективное Средство Анализа Временных Рядов

Метод скользящей средней широко используется в финансовом анализе для прогнозирования цен на акции или другие финансовые инструменты. Например, можно рассчитать скользящую среднюю цены акции за последние 50 дней, чтобы определить общую тенденцию роста или падения цены. Метод скользящей средней является…


Interest Coverage Ratio Guide How to Calculate and Interpret ICR

The term “coverage” refers to the length of time—ordinarily, the number of fiscal years—for which interest payments can be made with the company’s currently available earnings. In simpler terms, it represents how many times the company can pay its obligations using…

IT Образование

Что Такое Бэклог И Как Им Пользоваться

Расстановка приоритетов заказником не влияет на скорость выполнения задач группы разработчиков. Участники команды самостоятельно выбирают задачи, как только появляются соответствующие ресурсы. Они могут строить процесс на основе безостановочной методологии Канбан или итерациями Скрам. Каждый бэклог бэклог спринта начинается с организации…

God Forge: Forge of the Mind (book 1) [draft 2]

AZTERON’S JOURNAL Gods ravaged the land… The mortal realm, Anhsook Del Iris, suffered unrelenting attacks. Who knew why, or what they wanted? They wiped entire cities off the map. They searched for something. I didn’t believe in them! What a…


“We are on Gregorax,” his voice cut off Crimson’s line of thought. When she stared at him, a puzzled look on her face, he lifted an eyebrow. “Didn’t you know? The Doom Clock is setting off soon, so the Equilibris…

The Tenant

There is a house, notable for its lack of any interesting feature, that serves as home to four tenants. The last of these leads the reader down corridors of mystery and wonder. There’s something about that place that makes him…

GG | ✔️

| 𝟳𝘅 𝗙𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗘𝗗 · [Open Novella Contest 2019 Longlist] Una Morales’s week is not going so well. To begin with, her twin sister, Paz Morales, has disappeared. To top it all off, Una is bedridden, sick with the flu and…

World War Zed

World War Zed : The Survivors’ Stories – It is ten years since Britain declared itself free of the Zombie menace. This book compiles the untold stories of survivors across the world, how they survived, how the spread of the…

The Rest is Riddles

Published: 2023 Straight-A student Jane Huang cares only about acing her classes and graduating college… until a terrifying encounter with an otherworldly monster plunges her into the mysterious world of Mir. To return to the home she loves, Jane must become…